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Welcome to Squirrel! Most of our customers are first-timers and we think you’ll find Squirrel’s benefits to be endless. The Bedside Perch conveniently organizes your essentials so everything you need is always within reach. When you’re looking for your phone, book, or tablet, you can be guaranteed it will be right where you left it. And we’re not just clearing clutter. We’re reusing it. Squirrel’s commitment to helping the environment is in our DNA. Made from post-consumer plastic, our bedside organizer allows you to save space and the Earth at the same time.

Post-consumer plastic products are made from previously purchased and disposed of products. We are hyper focused on making not only better products but the environment better as well. That being said, you might notice a few differences between a post-consume product and a product made of new plastic. Some of those differences can be seen in the color as well as the material. Our products might feel a bit different, even possibly a bit thin, but that is because while using a recycled material sometimes the tradeoff is not getting the perfect color, or the perfect thickness. We feel these tradeoffs are worth it, and do not affect the function of our products in anyway. We hope you feel this is worth it as well.

We’re confident you’re going to love your Squirrel. The organization, the proximity, the charging and the fact that we took someone else’s trash and made this amazing product to help reduce landfill waste just seems like a no-brainer. If for some reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, our e-commerce and retail partners will be happy to help you get it back to us so that we can find it a new home.

We have chosen to not include a power block so that you can utilize one that is correctly matched to the devices you will be charging. We recognize that this is a bit of an inconvenience, but we feel it is better for you to use the correct power block, then for us to supply a generic version that may not perform as well. Being that we are environmental conscience, providing something that you will not use and cost you money did not sound like the best idea, in our opinion. We hope you would agree!!